


    热烈祝贺杭州丹仪箱包有限公司通过由方圆标志认证集团主持认证的:职业健康安全管理体系认证 GB/T28001-2001 (涵盖 OHSAS18001:1999 标准的所有技术内容)和环境管理体系认证 GB/T24001-2001/ISO14001:2004 CNAS C002-E 。

March 3,2010

warmly congratulated Hangzhou Danyi Bags C0.,Ltd company passed the certificates chaired by the CQM Certification Group: Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification GB/T28001-2001 (Cover OHSAS18001: 1999 standards for all the technical content). And the Environmental Management System Certification GB/T24001-2001/ISO14001:2004 CNAS C002-E.

2010 年 3 月 3 日

祝!杭州丹儀箱包有限公司は方 圆 標志認証集団が司会した職業健康安全管理体系認証 GB/T28001-2001(OHSAS18001:1999 標準の技術内容を全て含む ) と環境管理体系認証 GB/T24001-2001/ISO14001:2004 CNAS C002-E を通過しました。

    2009年08月08日,DANYI品牌系列学生背包、休闲包、电脑背包隆重上市,所有产品均出自DANYI研发人员自主设计、开发,面料及配件均由世界知名配件商定牌监制,产品款式新颖时尚、独具风格,丹仪人本着“客户的满意就是对我们工作最大的肯定”的宗旨,竭诚为新老客户服务,为此,DANYI公司还开通了全国免费客户服务热线,电话:400 699 2688 / 400 889 1989,真诚期待您的光临!

    热烈祝贺杭州丹仪箱包有限公司通过:国际质量管理体系认证 GB/T19001-2000 idt ISO9001:2000 CNAS C069-Q 。

July 28 , 2009

warmly congratulated Hangzhou Danyi Bags C0.,Ltd company passed the certificates : Quality Management System Certification GB/T19001-2000 idt ISO9001:2000 CNAS C069-Q.

2009 年 7 月 28 日

祝!杭州丹儀箱包有限公司は国際質量管理体系認証 GB/T19001-2000 idt ISO9001:2000 CNAS C069-Q を通過しました。

    新新年,新开端,新憧憬,新希望。一元复始,万象更新。旧的一年即将过去,充满生机和活力的新的一年正向我们走来,在这辞旧迎新的时刻,杭州丹仪箱包有限公司总经理沈志军携全体员工,谨向长期关心和支持本公司发展的社会各界人士和友人,各新老客户致以诚挚的问候,道一声:新年好 , 给大家拜年啦!

    因为有了阳光,花儿才会绽放;因为有了海洋,鱼儿才能成长;因为有了广大客户的支持,丹仪才取得了今天的成就。在分享喜悦的同时也不忘感激。首先,我们要感谢社会各界朋友、新老客户对的支持与厚爱,没有你们的关心与支持,就不会有丹仪的发展。同时还要感谢我们的联盟会员,没有你们,丹仪也不会在如此短的时间里取得如此大的进步。衷心祝福你们 , 祝愿你和你身边的亲朋友好友在新的一年里 , 所有的希望都能如愿 , 所有的梦想都能实现 , 所有的等候都能出现 , 所有的付出都能对现 , 诚挚地祝福你 , 福气多多 , 快乐连连 , 万事圆圆 , 微笑甜甜 . 祝你一帆风顺 , 二龙腾飞 , 三阳开泰 , 四季平安 , 五福临门 , 六六大顺 , 七星高照 , 八方来财 , 九九同心 , 十全十美 , 百事亨通 , 千事吉祥 , 万事如意 ,365 天 , 天天快乐 , 没有烦恼。最后也要感谢丹仪的全体成员,正由于你们勤奋的工作,为消费者提供的优质产品,才使得丹仪突颖而出,在此祝你们新年快乐,合家幸福!

    回顾过去,有过艰辛也有过快乐,在世界经济危机的影响下,国内经济前景也变得不乐观,但是我们顶住了压力,坚持“以全心全意为客户服务”,携手共进,创造了一个又一个奇迹,过去的一年浓缩着我们得与失的斑驳历史,过去的一年镌刻着我们喜与悲的沧桑年轮,过去的一年记录着我们深深浅浅的成长的足迹。在新的一年里,只有不断地回眸过去,只有不断的反思成败,只有不断总结经验教训,才能把握正确方向,才能奋然前行! 新的一年应该是我们用赤诚编织理想的一年,新的一年应该是我们用勤奋与汗水耕耘的一年。“天道酬勤”这是亘古不变的真理,有付出就会有回报。新的一年应该是我们用坚强意志拼搏的一年,狭路相逢勇者胜,无限风光在险峰,一切成功来源于坚韧。新的一年新的起点,新的一年是承载着新的空白和梦。当我们即将步入新的一年的时候,在广大朋友的支持下,我们完全有理由相信,丹仪的未来必将更加美好,丹仪全体成员也将更加勤奋的工作,与广大客户一起, 以睿智的目光洞悉时代脉搏,抓住机遇、开拓创新,携手共进,共创辉煌。

New Year, new beginning, new vision, new hope. , everything looks new and fresh. The old year is about to end, full of vigor and vitality of the new year is before us, in this New Year of the moment, the general manager of danyi company who with all the staff, have the honor of long-term concern and support The company's development community and friends, the new and old customers to extend my sincere greetings, Road A: Happy New Year! Because of the sun, the flowers will bloom; because of the oceans, the fish can grow up; because of the broad masses of customer support, Dan NG only achievements today. In the sharing of joy at the same time not forget to appreciate. First of all, we would like to thank the community friends, new and old customers the support and love, not your concern and support, there would be no danyi development. At the same time would also like to thank our coalition members, not you, Dan Miriam would not in such a short period of time made such a big step forward. Best wishes to you, wish you and your friends around the pro-Friends in the new year, all the hope that can do so, all the dreams can be realized, all the waiting can occur, sincere to bless you, blessing a lot of fun again and again, everything is round, sweet smile. Also had fun in the world under the influence of the economic crisis and domestic economic prospects have become less optimistic, but we withstand pressure, Adhere to the "whole-heartedly service for customer " hand in hand, creating miracles one after another, over the past year concentrated our gains and losses of the mottled history, engraved with the past year, we are glad and sad vicissitudes of growth rings, the past year record of growth we are deeply shallow footprints. In the new year, and only constant Reviewing the past, only to reflect on the success or failure of constant, only constantly sum up experience and lessons, in order to grasp the correct direction ,in order to go ahead! The new year should be our ideal weaving with absolute sincerity year , the new year should be our diligence and sweat work of the year. With the tenet of” good faith, practical-minded and high-efficient” ,seize chances, pioneer and innovate, Danyi company is willing to creating a ne w resplendence  .

    经公司研究决定,农历乙丑年。公历 2009 年春节放假的时间为:
    1 月 20 日 (农历十二月二十五)放假, 2 月 2 日 (农历正月初八)上班报到。



Dear staff:

By the decision of the company management, the holidays of 2009 Spring Festival as follows:
January 20 ( the lunar calendar Dec 25) vacation, February 2 ( lunar January 8th ) check in

Happy New Year, Good luck,

    拥有属于自己的商标是许多企业的目标。在我们孜孜不倦的努力下,丹仪终于成功地新注册了两个商标——丹仪牌 ( 服装 ) 和宝宝豆牌 ( 箱包 ) 。这无疑给在不断追求更高水平的丹仪人无穷的信心与鼓励。在成功面前,我们并不因此而停止脚步,相反,我们将其视为前进的动力,竭力将这两个品牌建设成为驰名商标,同时让丹仪箱包公司更上一层楼。
Owning a self-owned brand is the enterprises' one of the targets. With our tireless effforts, Danyi succeed newly in registering two brands----Danyi( clothing) and Baobaodou ( bag ) . Undoubtedly it brings us who are involved in pursuing the higher level many confidences and encouragements. Faced with the success,we don't meet with the exsitent achievements,on the contrary, we consider it as a force to progress. We'lldo our best to obtain repution of the well-known brand. Menwhile we ‘ll help Danyi make great progress.

Based on the enterprise culture of people foremost and the scientific system of employee development, Danyi organised a staff tourism to HK for 3 days. During the 3 days, the staffs w ere free from the busy daily work and enjoyed themselves in the trip. The communion between staffs was not limited in the factory or office any more.And the solidarity and the cooperation were promoted more efficiently too. Meanwhile, staffs felt the regard from the Danyi by this tourism, which makes them more stable to contribute to develop with Danyi together. The tourism to HK had succeeded to n obtained the adminiration from the staffs .

    丹仪自创立 19 年以来,从一家 2台缝纫机生产学生书包、旅行包的小作坊发展成现在集设计、开发、制造、贸易于一体的多元化企业。公司自有:丹仪箱包、新丹仪纺织、丹仪服装三个工厂和一家丹仪国际控股进出口公司。并投资控股有:户外家具,户外用品、雨具、鞋、旅行用品等工厂。

Danyi,who is specialized in all kinds of bags,was established in 1989 .As a world supplier it's famous for its own brands — Danyi and Baobaodou.We devote to creating a word-class brand.
Started from a small workshop with only two sewing machines, it becomes a corporation who involves exploitation, design , production and sales of bags since its foundation,our company owns Danyi bag factory, New danyi textile factory and Hanyi clothing factory and Danyi internationl co.,ltd.We also invest in some proprietary companies specialized in rain gears,shoes,outdoor articles ,traveling articles and so on.